Brahmashree Shree Datta Maharaj Kavishwar
Parmapoojya Shree Dattamaharaj Kavishwar was born on 2nd March 1910 at Nrusinhwadi. His grandfather Parampoojya Shri Vakratunda Maharaj and father Parampoojya Shri Dhundiraj Maharaj, both were the virtuous authorities. The family had received the blessings of Parmhansa Parivrajakacharya Shree Vasudevanand Saraswati Tembe Swami Maharaj. On the birth of Shree Dattamaharaj, taking the newly born child in his lap, Swami Maharaj had predicted “Parampoojya Shree Vakratunda Maharaj is reborn as this child”. Parampoojya Shree Dattamaharaj was fortunate to be in the company of Paramhansa Parivrajakacharya Shree Dixit Maharaj, one of the five closest disciples of Parmhansa Parivrajakacharya Shree Vasudevanandsaraswati Tembe Swami Maharaj,for a long time. His primary education was completed under the observation of Paramhansa Parivrajakacharya Shri Dixit Maharaj. As per the instructions of Paramhansa Parivrajakacharya Shree Dixit Maharaj, he presented Bhagwat Saptaha (Reciting and explaining the meaning of the scripture – Bhagwata – over seven days) at Aurwad, when he was hardly sixteen year old. He accomplished his education at Dharwad, in the Vedpathshala (a school of learning Vedas) of Pandit Nageshwarshastri Uppanbettigiri. He was master in the sciences of Vedas, Religion, Poetry, Justice, Grammar. Parampoojya Shree Dattamaharaj was in the services as a teacher for a long time at Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth in Pune.
He came into contact with Parampoojya Yogiraj Shri Gulavani Maharaj in this period. During in the company of Parampoojya Shri Shridharswami at Sajjangad, Parampoojya Dattamaharaj was bestowed with initiation in Shaktipat by Parampoojya Shri Gulavani Maharaj. As per the instructions by Parampoojya Shri Gulavani Maharaj, he edited all the literature of Paramhansa Parivrajakacharya Shri Vasudevanandsaraswati Swami Maharaj, in twelve volumes.
Parampoojya Shri Dattamaharaj, until the eighty two years of his age, presented Bhagwat saptaha at various places throughout India. He offered initiation in Shaktipat to thousands of Seekers. He guided many students, not only from India but from abroad as well. He has been ceremoniously awarded four times by the President of India as “Rashtriya Pandit” (National Genious). Then president, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, conferred on him the title of “Vidya Vachaspati”. Apart from these, his intellect was respectfully acknowledged by Shankaracharya of Dwarika honoring him as “Mahamahopadhyaya”, as “Bramhashree” by Vidwat Sabha of Prayag, as “Nyaya Chudamani” from Vedshastrottejak Sabha of Pune. Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Peeth honored him by a Gold Kankan (bracelet).
He was elected as the chief Trustee of Shri Vasudeva Niwas by Chairperson Parampoojya Shree Vamanrao Gulavani Maharaj. He offered Initiation Of Shaktipat to thousands of devotees of India and abroad. The sapling planted by Parampoojya Shree Gulavani Maharaj was profusely looked after by Shree Dattamaharj transforming it into a great tree throughout his life.
On the 1st March, at the age of 89 years he passed away in Pune.